Welcome, and thank you for stopping by my blog! I hope this is a place of encouragement and hope, a place where you can rest in Christ's daylight even as you find yourself in what Saint John of the Cross calls "a dark night of the soul."
Within minutes of browsing my blog you'll notice a few things: first, I lived in Israel for about 8 months, and I studied Hebrew and Jewish Studies there. I'm so grateful for that experience for a number of reasons, but mainly because it completely changed the way I read and study the Bible. Second, Elisabeth Elliot is my favorite author of all time. I can find a way to bring her up in almost any conversation! Third, I think that people's stories are incredibly powerful. Hearing how the Lord has redeemed the darkest, most painful parts of a person's life can provide tremendous hope to those in their own seasons of suffering.
All of these elements are here, and I hope you're encouraged by them.
And please reach out to me with any questions or comments. I'd love to hear from you! You can also subscribe to Believing at Midnight below.
Happy Reading!